Thursday, January 24, 2008

Temperature and fish

Temperature and fish
How important the temperature to fish? To give some idea of the important of temperature , fresh caught fish will generally last about 12 days if held in ice (temperature) at about 32F or 0C) whereas they will last only about 4 days at 46F (7.8C), a temperature sometimes found in domestic refrigerators.

There are at least three reasons why fish spoil so rapidly at refrigerator temperatures. 

Primarily, because they are readily digestible; second, because the muscle glycogen is nearly depleted during harvesting , leaving little to be converted to acid, which would act as a preservative.; finally , because the bacteria found on fish are psychrophiles – that is, they can grow well at low temperature. 

Even among psychrophiles there is a range of optimum growth temperatures for different species , andspoi it is known that some of the psychrophilic bacteria found naturally on fish grow at such low temperature that they are reliably detected by standard bacteriological plating techniques.
Temperature and fish

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