Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Geographical distribution of mackerel

Atlantic mackerel are primarily found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Hatteras in America, and from Norway to Spain in the Eastern Atlantic.

The king mackerel is found in coastal waters from the Carolinas to Brazil.

Frigate mackerel are cosmopolitan in warm waters, although there are few documented occurrences in the Atlantic Ocean. They are subject to period of abundance and scarcity in particular areas.

Another popular species that is sometimes found as far as north as New England is the Spanish mackerel. Spanish mackerel range from Maine to Brazil in the Western Atlantic but are mostly caught in waters off the Carolinas and southward of these waters.

In the eastern Pacific, Pacific jack mackerel range from southeastern Baja California, extending into the Gulf of California, Mexico. They are also reported from Acapulco, Mexico and the Galapagos Islands.
Geographical distribution of mackerel 

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