Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Vacuum Packaging

Vacuum packaging is a method of packaging that placing a product in a film of low oxygen permeability, the removal of air from package and the application of a hermetic seal. In this method means food are storing and preserving in the airless environment.

This packaging technology is widely applied in the food industry due to its effectiveness in reducing oxidative reaction in the product at relatively low cost. Vacuum packaging can extend shelf life of any fresh perishable product by 3 to 5 times is normal refrigerated life.

Among characteristics of vacuum packaging including: provides enough strength to prevent the damage while package handling, it also acts as oxygen and water vapor barrier, oil and chemical resistant.

The practice of using vacuum in packaging helps to reduce the total psychrophilic microflora. By using vacuum packaging for fresh fish meat, protect meat color and delays microbial spoilage. It also reduce product shrinkage and there is no moisture loss or evaporation in a sealed vacuum bag.
Vacuum Packaging

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